Yoseph Boku

Yoseph Boku

Resident Tutor for G Entryway
Advisor for Pre-Med, FGLI, Race Relations, and the Faculty Dean Retreat
Yoseph Boku
Yoseph Boku was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, but immigrated to Alexandria, Virginia as a child. Yoseph went to Harvard for undergrad where he lived in Kirkland House and concentrated in Molecular and Cellular Biology. Yoseph is currently a second-year medical student at Harvard where he serves as class president. Yoseph enjoys all things outdoors including biking, hiking and walking around Boston on cool summer nights. Yoseph is excited to return to Kirkland House and start his first year as a tutor where he will advise on Pre-Med, FGLI, Race Relations, and the Faculty Dean Retreat.

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Role in Kirkland